Friday, December 30, 2011

Hello Again!

Hi there!
I realize it's been rather a long time since I've posted. But the truth is that I've really been quite busy! You see, I am now the proud completer of one whole semester of college! Yup! I now have 16 and 1/2 credits under my belt. It still amazes me sometimes when I realize I've actually done it. I know it may not seem like much of an accomplishment, but for me it's huge. I went to a school halfway across the country from my home. I didn't know a single person there except for some facebook friends who I 'met' online after making the decision to come. I had never even visited the school before I went, so I had no idea what the campus was like, where everything was, or what exactly I was getting myself into. It was incredibly intimidating at first to tell the truth, and I honestly wasn't sure I could do it.

But my God was so incredibly faithful this semester! 

Every time I felt alone, or scared, or just overwhelmed, He proved Himself real again and again. There were so many trials this semester, some of them completely unexpected. So many times when I absolutely had to rely on my God because there wasn't really any other choice. But time and again He was there! He carried me through each and every difficulty, and every time a new trial popped up, I would hear His still small voice saying
"Remember the last trial? I didn't fail you then, and I won't fail you now!"
It's so true. I don't think it's possible to live a life of fear when we are living with a constant remembrance of who our God is and what He has done. He has never, ever failed us in the past. Why do we think He will do so in the future??? 

Overall it was an amazing semester. I'm attending a Bible College and so I was able to take two Bible classes (Old Testament Survey and Christian Life 1: Personal Growth and Evangelism) as well as attend chapel five days a week. I loved it! God grew me in so many ways and it was wonderful to see Him work in my life through the different opportunities a Bible College offers. I was also blessed with two wonderful roommates, Annelies and Jenna, who were a huge encouragement to me last semester. And next semester we are beyond excited to welcome Gretta to our room as well, which will of course be amazing because she is such an awesome girl! God blessed me with many friends as well, far too many to tell you about all of them right now. I also had great teachers, the faculty at my school are so caring and I learned so much from them, both in the lecture time and from their life examples! 

Last semester was a great experience, and I can't wait to see what God will do in the next few months! 
Biology 2, General Psychology, New Testament Survey, Computer Applications Seminar, Fundamentals of Public Speaking, and British Literature, here I come!!!

P.S. I have decided to get all A's next semester. Yes.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Blog Party!


Aren't blog parties fun? Well, there is a lovely on going on over at this blog that you really should take a look at. Here are the questions for this week, along with my answers!
What is your favorite way to outwardly display your femininity?
One of my favorite ways to make an outfit look extra girly is to add a flower somewhere. I have several cloth flowers that can be used both as a clip and a pin. I usually stick one in my hair before running out the door, they look good with almost any hair style and are super chic!
What's your favorite color(s) to wear?
Well, I'm a pretty much a fan of color, period. So I tend to incorporate a lot of it into my wardrobe. I rarely have a black and white outfit without a pop of color somewhere =) That being said, some of my favorite colors to bring into outfits to shnazz them up a bit are Yellow, Red, Purple, and of course, Pink.

Who do you closely relate to in style and taste?
Audrey Hepburn, easily. I love her simple but elegant style, and I've been known to wear a straight sheath dress with some oversize pearls from time to time!
What fictional character (book, movie, etc.) do you think strongly presents herself as truly feminine? (or your favorite feminine character(s) at the very least. ;))
Hm.... this is a hard one! I like that Lady Blakeney is willing to seek out the help of men to save her husband, and is perfectly happy to allow her husband to save her in the end. I guess any heroine who is content being rescued by her husband/intended. I think it's more romantic than all the current stories where the woman saves herself and then chases down her man. Where's the chivalry in that?

(Completely random, but it's been bugging me.) Generally, do you think eye shadow should match/compliment skin tones or simply match your current outfit?
Both =) If a color looks bad on you, then don't wear it, even if it complements your outfit perfectly. And neutral styles will go with any outfit no matter what. Furthermore, you don't want to be too "matchy-matchy" with your makeup, that's just a bit odd. However, you should try to make sure nothing you are wearing clashes. For example, stick with brown palate shades for a brown toned outfit. And never, ever wear purple eyeshadow if you have on a red top or dress!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Shocking Revelation....

I'm officially a card carrying nerd. There's no way around it anymore.
Sure, I always loved books and reading, writing stories, history, doing school, and cheesy BBC miniseries based on British Classics. But still, I had plausible deniability for most of my life so far.
Until I turned 18.
And became an Insta-Nerd.
I now have braces.
Braces! The metal-mouth bracket kind. With colored rubber bands. Granted, they will only be on for about another month. But still! Can you even imagine the trauma resulting from all pictures taken during this time?
And as if that wasn't enough...
I now also have glasses.
Oh yes, prescription, help your vision, eye glasses. Granted, they are super cute. I found them at Target and I kind of really love them.

See why? They are pink, but not a nasty bright neon kind of pink. they have scalloped, polka dot arms. And best of all, they have just the teensiest bit of cat eye going on. Enough to be fabulously vintage, not so much that they are ridiculously unflattering. All in all, they're a preeetty great find. But it's the principle of the thing! Today as I walked into work in my belted cardigan and flashed a smile with my braces on as I looked at the world through my slightly askew glasses (a la scattered librarian) and lugged my huge purse containing not one but two books.... It hit me. There'll be no more denying it.
I am a nerd.
Fortunately, I think I can live quite contentedly with that.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Write On Wednesdays

Write On Wednesdays

Well, hello there reading world! I found a blogging event while bloghopping that I think is preeetty neat, so I'm excited to see how it goes! This weeks prompt was to take the first line of a song and write for five minutes with that as your inspiration. I chose Higher Window by Josh Groban. It's not my favorite song exactly (because it's secular instead of sacred) but I like it a *lot* and I thought the first line could make for an interesting tidbit =) So here goes!

♫For all the times I've tried for this...♪

She laid her head down on her desk, her long thick hair spreading around her, protecting her from the pressures of the outside world.
"Am I really going to do this again?"
She talked to herself often, had since childhood. She supposed it was the result of all the reading she had done over the years. Sometimes it felt as though she was narrating her own life in her head.
She lifted her head up and picked up the pencil she had dropped in frustration. Why was she doing this? She loved books and plays and art and clothes, and she desteded all things math. Why, year after year, did she aspire to this same goal that always seemed just out of reach? She had applied for Medical School five times now, and the application sitting blank on her desk would make six. She just wasn't sure she had the willpower left in her to go through this again. The hope would always surge as she put the envelope in the mail, and the crashing reality of each rejection.... Why did she continue to put herself through this? She was a smart girl, she had the ability, but for one reason or another, medical schools just didn't seem to want her. She was always missing something, always coming up just a bit short. She tried and tried and tried.... and failed and failed and failed and failed. So why did she keep trying?
Because it was her only dream.

Friday, June 17, 2011

I'm Changing The Name To "LazyBlogger"

Well, I confess, I have been an absolutely horrible blogger recently. I don't even have any excuses. I had all sorts of great ideas for blogposts, but every time I'd get on to write I ended up reading other blogs instead. If by some small chance  there is anyone out there who is missing my blog posts, you have my deepest and most sincere apologies.

 But I doubt you exist.

Why is it so hard to be a consistent blogger? I've discovered the joy of the 'next blog' button, and ever since I've been blogsurfing like there's no tomorrow. And it seems like almost every blog I come to has a recent post just like this one about how they haven't blogged in so long .What's up with that? Am I part of a mini sub-culture of lazy bloggers? It does sound like a catchy title though, and at least it would warn people as soon as they visit not to expect much continuity of posting!

Well, I'd like to put at least one thing of substance into this post, so here goes.

The Denver Public Library is now offering free online language courses to all card holders.

How cool is that?!?

I recently discovered this, and needless to say I was pretty stinkin' excited. You may not have realized this but I am pretty much obsessed with the Italian language. I wanna learn it. All of it. More than the occasional Josh Groban song that I have no clue if I'm pronouncing correctly. And guess what one of the languages offered is?!?

That's right.

And since I realize that not everyone is awesome enough to love all things Italian like I do, you'll be glad to know that there are lots of other languages offered as well! 
Just click here and use your DPL account info to log in for free! Don't have a DPL card?

Hm.... bummer.

Sorry it's so small, click to enlarge.
This is a list of the courses they offer. There are a lot to choose from, but I'll be happy if I finish one this summer! They also have a translator like the one found on Google, so....

Avere un giorno meraviglioso miei amici bella! Addio!

P.S. I just noticed that I've now told everyone what city I live in. *gasp*
I cordially request that you don't stalk me.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hello Readers!
There is a lovely little blog party going on over at Bramblewood Fashion that I'm very excited to be a part of!!! Here is the button, and below are my answers!

1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?Italy. Italy Italy Italy! I am longing to see Florence, Rome, and especially Venice! So much history and culture... and delicious food! I was *this* close to going there last year, but we went to England instead. London is a lovely city, but I am determined to make it to Italy someday!
2. What is the oldest item you own?
The books that my great grandma gave me after my great grandfather died. Some of them date back to the 1800's! I love them because of their age and because I love books, but they are particularly special to me because they are a connection to my Gramp who loved to read.
3. If you had to pick one hero, who would it be?
Oh dear, too many to count! I think I would have to go with Paul though. What an impact for Christ!
4. If you could have dinner with any three people, living or dead. Who would it be?
Hm.... do fictional people count? =) Not trying to sound "overly spiritual" but I think I would honestly choose Jesus first, and then the other two people really wouldn't matter much. I would so love to spend time talking to my savior face to face!!!
5. Which do you like better, Coke or Pepsi?
Actually I kind of detest pop, so I'd have to go with neither.
6. What would you rather have- chocolate or a cookie?
Any time that chocolate is an option, it will always be my answer
7. What is your favorite season?
Summer and Winter. I like extremes apparently!
8. What's your favorite thing about Spring?
The smell. I love the way you can smell the flowers and the sunshine and just.... yes, the smell =)
9. What's your favorite music?
Sacred mostly, with a bit of classical, soundtracks, and a teensy bit of old-timey music (Frank Sinatra, for example)
10. What's your fashion/personal style?
Hm..... Vintage, classic, feminine, and.... unique =D

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Is It Well With My Soul?

One of my favorite hymns is It Is Well With My Soul, by Horatio G. Spafford. There is a lovely arrangement of it on this cd (one of my current favorite albums btw) and I've been listening to it almost nonstop lately. Add to that the fact that we just sang this song in church and... yeah, it's been on my mind lately.

There is so much truth in this song, so much comfort, and so much conviction as well. Because as I've listened to it over and over again, I've had to repeatedly ask myself:

Is it well with my soul?

The first verse makes me think about every day instances.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul
For example: when I'm late to work and my car is out of gas and someone cuts me off on the highway, is it well with my soul? Do I walk in the Spirit and keep a good attitude, or do I scream "OUTTA MY WAY YOU MORON!!!" I have to admit, there are  times of both. Why am I so easily ruffled? I have a big God who is in control of everything, even my daily commute! So why don't I trust Him more easily and just do right? Or, as Pastor Scott preached on a couple of weeks ago, why can't I exhibit more meekness?

The third verse gets me thinking a little more deeply.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
My sin, not in part but the whole!!! Wow!!! We have so many reasons to glory in Christ. He has taken all of my sin on Himself and set me free from the bondage I was in! He has sealed me with His Holy Spirit and will never, ever let me go!!! He WILL finish the work that was started in me at salvation! So why am I so weighed down by this life? Why do I allow myself to grow so weary, so busy trudging down here that I forget to look up? I think a big part of the problem is addressed in 2 Timothy 2:4

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
Even after reading this verse again and again and again,
I get so entangled with this life.
I worry and stress and struggle and focus on things of this earth. With what I'm going to do here, where I'm going to go, how I'm going to get there. I have problems with this relationship. I won't be able to afford this need. I bury myself under a load of anxiety, and instead of casting my cares on Him, I try to carry them all by myself. Then, after living my day to day life barely acknowledging God because I'm so focused on the things of this world, I wonder why I continually fall into sin. Why can't I get the victory? Maybe it's because I'm not being a good soldier.

I heard an incredible message on Sunday night entitled He Is Able. It was based on what is quickly returning to a 'favorite verse spot'.

Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.          Jude 1:24
It was one of the best messages I've ever heard, and I'd suggest you listen to it here. (Sermon from 05/08/2011 Evening) I think the biggest encouragement is in the title itself. He IS able!!! He can keep me from falling! He can give me victory over sin! I just need to 'untangle' myself from this world and and focus on Him, and "the Only wise God" will take care of the rest.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Two Cents Worth

Well, this post won't be terribly wrong, or terribly original either. This is what everyone is talking about right now, and others have waaaay more wisdom than I do on this matter! But I haven't done a politics post in a while and this has been on my mind, so I thought I'd put in my two cents worth.

What am I feeling over the death of Osama Bin Laden?

If I said I was feeling only righteous sadness over the loss of his soul, I'd be lying.
If I said that I was only rejoicing in complete celebration over his death at the hands of our soldiers, I'd still be lying.

The truth is, I'm torn.
See, I have dual citizenship. I'm a citizen of the United States of America (The greatest country on earth!) and I'm proud to be so. But I'm also a citizen of Heaven, and have been since the day I was born again. So, the American in me wants to jump up and down saying "yes yes Yes Yes YES!!!" But the Christian in me.... is glad that God's justice has prevailed, but also sad that a soul was just condemned to Hell for all eternity.
I can't deny the sense of satisfaction at the justice of his death, who killed so many of my countrymen. But neither can I think of where he is now without a twinge of regret at the waste of a life, and without wishing that at some point in his life he had turned to the Savior. This leads to something else I've been thinking a lot about, something my cousin Luke brought up yesterday-

Do I feel that same regret over every person that dies without Christ?

This is such a high profile case that it's easy for everyone to pass judgement and have an opinion, we are all thinking about it. But am I daily grieved because people are lost and dying without a Savior? Witnessing isn't just something to do when you get around to it. I need to feel a sense of urgency! People are dying every day, and they need to hear!!! So, while it is too late for Bin Laden, the best thing that I can do is go out there and tell everyone I can, before it's too late.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My 'Easter Dress'

He Is Risen!
It's a bit late to do an Easter post I know, but isn't that something to be excited about all year? =)

There's something else I get excited about, (though on a FAR smaller scale than the resurrection!) and that's.... *Drumroll please*
Clothes! [Shocker, eh?]

I was talking to Emily and telling her that I think all the fashion posts I see other bloggers doing are so cute, but I just don't like the idea of posting all kinds of pictures of myself! {not to mention I don't have all kinds of pictures of myself in the outfits I'd want to share}

Sooooo I came up with a compromise, Moodboards showing either what I wore or something very similar =)
So here's my Easter outfit:
The dress is from JC Penney, and it's the actual one I wore.
The Shoes are just an image I found on Google, (sorry for the poor quality) but they're almost identical to mine! Same with the bracelet and the shrug.

What do you think, good Easter outfit? =D

I was super excited about the dress because *gasp* it was long enough! Aaaand cute! Aaaaaaaaaaand half off!!! Oooh, and it came with a shiny belt, which kind of made my day.
I love shiny belts.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sing To The Lord A Joyful Song

So, my friend Emily (who is leaving me to travel to another state for the whole summer. *sniff sniff*) recently did a blog post entitled "Barbossa Is Hungry." Pretty interesting huh? Turns out she found a list of questions, put her ipod on shuffle, and then used the songs that played in order to answer the questions. [This used to be really popular on facebook] She came up with some pretty funny answers, so I though I'd give it a try! Here's what I got.....

If someone asks "are you okay" you say?
Let Me In (Rigoletto)
What would best describe your personality?
Don't Forget (Laurie Beachell)
How would you best describe yourself?
Part Of Your World (Original Broadway Cast)
What do you like in a guy/girl?
Thou Wilt Keep Him In Perfect Peace (Mac Lynch/Tim Fisher) haha!
How do you feel today?
Gone With The Wind (Prague Philharmonic)
What is your life's purpose?
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (Majesty Music)
What is your motto?
The Legend Spreads (James Horner)
What do your friends think of you?
Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance (Prince Caspian Soundtrack) Oh dear!
What do your parents think of you?
Count It All Joy (Mac and Beth Lynch) you'd have to ask them about that =/
What do you think of most often?
High Wire Stunts (John Williams)
 What do you think of your best friend?
How Shall They Hear? (The Herbster Trio)
What do you think of the person you like?
Lord I Need You (Northern Lights)
What is your life story?
Count Me (The Wilds)
What do you want to be when you grow up?
The Duel (Prince Caspian Soundtrack)
What do you think when you see the person you like?
Mozart: Ave Verum Corpus, K 618 (Robert Shaw) Everytime! haha
What will you do at your wedding?
Embraceable You (George Gershwin 101 Strings)  =/
What will they play at your funeral?
Amazing Love (The Wilds)
What is your hobby/interest?
I Am Thine O Lord (Soundforth Singers and Orchestra)
What is your biggest fear?
The Turtle Lope (Thomas Newman)
What is your biggest secret?
The Bassingstoke Assembly (Adrian Johnston)
What do you want to do right now?
The King Of Love My Shepherd Is (Galkin Evangelistic Team)
What do you think of your friends?
When Love Came Down (Soundforth Singers and Orchestra)
What is the worst thing that could happen?
Joy (The Wilds) Not really! lol
What is the one thing you regret?
 My Fathers Love (Soundforth Singers and Orchestra)
What makes you laugh?
Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior (Galkin Evangelistic Team)
What makes you cry?
To The Pirates Cave! (Klaus Badelt)
Will you ever get married?
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes (Jack Jezzro) Ironic....
What scares you the most?
Be An Example (The Wilds)
Does anyone like you?
Do You Love Me? (Original Broadway Cast) Ironic again!
If you could go back in time, what would you change?
With A Voice Of Singing (The Wilds)
What hurts right now?
The Secret Life Of Daydreams (Jean-Yves Thibaudet)
What would you want to say to the person who tagged you?
All Creatures of Our God and King (The Wilds)
What will you name this note?
Sing To The Lord A Joyful Song (Soundforth Singers and Orchestra)

Friday, April 22, 2011

It's All About The Cross.

I'm having a wonderful day!
A) There was free breakfast in the office;
B) I'm going to get a free Starbucks drink by bringing in a reusable cup;
C) I get off work at noon instead of five;
D) I'm going for lunch and shopping with my mom, just the two of us;

Simple equation:
A+B+C+D = Absolutely, positively, fabulously wonderful day! (And there are even more factors I'm not listing!)

I've been pretty excited about it all morning.

But then I got to thinking:
Today is Good Friday, when many people celebrate the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This may not be the actual day he died, but it is the day when much of the world takes time to remember and reflect on it.
I heard a message yesterday morning in which the preacher said that the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, all points the message and power of the Cross. I got so excited! Christ died for me, shed His blood to atone for my sins, and rose on the third day to conquer death and give me eternal life!

But this morning when I was soooo excited:
It wasn't about the Cross.

I'm easily stirred to passion for the gospel when it's repeated to me or right in front of my face, but why am I not passionate about it all the time?

My 'wonderful exciting' days are few and far between.
I serve a Risen Savior, each and every day!!!
There is ALWAYS something to be excited about, the Cross! It should affect my life in every way. Every action, thought, and word. Every aspect of my life should be changed and transformed because of the cross. It should be my focus, my passion, the object of my devotion and gratitude. It should be everything!!!

Is my life all about the Cross?
Is yours?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Only One That's True~

 So.... I used to really enjoy writing poetry. But I haven't done it in fooooreeeeveeeeer. So today I thought I'd try my hand at it once again. Here is my *quite* rusty attempt, it's something God has had on my heart for a while now!
The Only One That's True
My heart is afraid
To open to you,
For if you reject me
Then what will I do?
If you turn me away
Oh the heartache inside,
No, I think it's much better
To run and to hide.
It's happened before,
I've let someone in,
And they battered my heart
Left me broken within.
It takes so much courage
To not turn away,
And it seems so much safer
When I choose not to stay.
But what I don't realize
Is that you aren't the same
As the ones who've hurt me,
Who've left as they came.
You're different. You're holy.
And the love you have for me
Will always be constant,
So there's no need to flee.
The ones who have hurt me
Are nothing like you,
They're sinners and selfish:
O Lord, I am too!
Just as they've betrayed me
And broken my heart,
That's what I've done to you
Who loved me from the start!
Each time that I've sinned
Each time I ran away,
You lovingly forgave me
And pled with me to stay.
And though I've not been constant,
And strayed away from you,
You're still my hearts one safe place,
The only one that's true.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm Right, Right?

Alright my few faithful friendly readers, I need your help!
In a recent conversation with a friend, the issue came up of which gender was "easier to read." In other words, who is better at expressing or communicating how they think or feel? Guys, or girls? Is it fairly consistent across the board? Now I know that I am of course a girl, and so my opinion may be biased. But I honestly think that females are better at this communication thing! Girls are pretty easy to understand, even based on body language or facial expression alone. When a girl is happy or interested or excited, sh shows it on her face.
And when she is angry, sad, or upset about something, then that's usually pretty easy to see as well!
Guys, on the other hand, always look the same! Unless they are extremely happy or super upset about something, they generally sit back and look on the world with an overall look of contenment.
But if you can't tell just by looking at us, we still make it easy on you! All you have to do is ask! Girls love to tell people what we are thinking or feeling! Whereas guys? All they will give are vague answers that tend to tell you approximately... nothing. And while girls are just waiting for opportunites to express themselves, guys wouldn't dream of just coming out and saying what they think or feel! Inconceivable!

So, am I right on this issue? I know that it's a very general opinion, and it doesn't apply to every person or situation. But still. I'm right, right?

Well, if you agree with me, (or if you don't!) Tell me!!! I'd love to read your comments, but I'd especially love for you to vote in my poll! It's to the right ---> just under my blog description. So please, vote vote vote! And tell your friends to do so as well! The more votes I get, the better I will be able to see the general public opinion! I dearly hope a majority of you agree with me! =D

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Praise God for Crutches!

Have any of you ever heard derogatory terms used for the Christian life such as:
"Oh, they are living in their safe little bubble!"?
"You are just using your religion as a crutch!"?

So often we rush to defend ourselves, talking about how those are the worlds perceptions but it isn't really true, and trying to save face in front of the lost.

But I've been doing some thinking.

Those things are true. So why are we so quick to deny them?

After all, I do live in a "safe bubble"! I am not completely isolated from the world, but I am safe and protected from harmful influences by my Lord, and I am separate from the world and all it's sin and heartache!

The point of my "bubble" isn't to keep me in, but to keep evil out! And it doesn't mean I can't communicate and be friendly with the outside world! In fact, I would love to invite anyone reading to join me in my bubble, it's a fabulous, peaceful place to be!

Jesus truly is my crutch. I wouldn't have it any other way. If anyone says that the reason I need religion is because I'm not strong enough to stand on my own two feet? They are absolutely right.
I am crippled because of my sin: we all are. The ONLY way that I can stand and live a full life is if I lean wholly on that 'crutch' that I've found in Jesus Christ!
With all the depression, suicide, emptiness, and heartache in this world, do people really still believe that we are fine on our own? That we don't need anything? I'm SO thankful that I've found a way to stand!!! And by the grace of God I will continue to stand, not choosing to grope around on the floor because of my own pride in refusing the ever necessary crutch.
How foolish would it be of me to try and walk on a broken leg unaided, making it worse and worse, when I had a crutch available to help me?
That's the foolishness of the world.

So I challenge you, when you are accused of your own weakness in accepting Christ, agree! We are weak. We do need help. We can't make it on our own! So let's stop fighting the worlds attacks, and instead point them to God, showing how different things are from His point of view.

Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.  I Corinthians 3:18, 19a

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Melancholy Blog Post

I've been a bit discouraged lately in blogger land. I'm not very good at this! I see blogs from fifteen and sixteen year old girls with 200 followers and fancy buttons and giveaways and events and I'm terribly jealous! I'm so thankful for you my dear readers, but I'm afraid you are very few in number! So, how do these girls do it? How do they create these lovely blogs, and then have so many people reading them? Any suggestions?

Friday, March 25, 2011


Hello Readers!
I noticed that this blog has up to this point been entirely lacking in something rather important, fashion! Now, I don't claim to dress very fashionably. Much to my chagrin, I can't afford the vintage, feminine style that I oh-so-dearly love. But a girl can dream, right? So I though I'd use this post to give you a glimpse of how I'd dress if I had gobs of money!!! Here goes....

Little Black Dress
Everyone know that an essential to any girls closet is a reliable LBD. Well, I have a couple, but they can't hold a candle to this adorableness.....

And To Accessorize? Oh the options....
After all, the little black dress is all about elegance and class, right? Ok, so maybe I pushed it a leeeeetle far with this one. It's sure be gorgeous, wouldn't it? =)
But what's the point of any outfit without shoes?
Well, that's what I would love to be seen in on any given Sunday. Or Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, come to think of it! So, when someone decides to give me more money than I know what to do with, these will all have to join my wardrobe!

This was a pretty fun post to do, maybe I'll have to put one together every Friday, as a tradition of sorts! At any rate, it'd be a fun way to kick of my weekend. And this particular weekend definitely needs kicking off! I have some fabulous plans with some fabulous people! (And some not so fabulous as well, but I'll never say which are which! ;) Tonight I'm going bowling, and tomorrow there's a birthday party for my grandpa and then a progressive dinner, which should be pretty interesting! Actually, all the fun started last night, when I saw this movie:

With two of my friends (who I must confess are among the fabulous) Emily and Naomi. It was so much fun! We had tickets for an advance screening *happy scream* and we got to go for FREE!!!! Can you say Fantasmiwondermazing?!? (No really, can you?)  It wasn't a perfect adaptation, but it was definitely a good one! My biggest problem with the movie was that I just wanted more!!!! They left out some parts I would have very much liked to see, and some lovely lovely lines. The only other issue was the proposal scene.... in a beautiful, romantic, emotional movie, that scene was wooden at best. Why oh why didn't they re-shoot it? *Sighs of longing* Oh well. It was still a great movie. and the experience was definitely worth it!

Now I can't wait to get to tonight's fun! But..... this...... Friday...... is taking....... for....... ever..............
Don't get me wrong, I love my receptionist job, but honestly, will today ever end?!?!? I suppose by the time I look at this post again, it will have. But it sure is taking it's own sweet time!
Anywho.... Now that I've strayed completely from my original topic......
May you have a blessed and speedy Friday!!!
Till Next Time....

The Princess

Monday, March 21, 2011

When Will My Life Begin?

So, I recently watched the new Disney Princess movie;
And guess what? I loved it! It's a really cute movie with awesome characters, (The horse is seriously hilarious, and I might have a bit of a crush on Flynn Rider;) majorly catchy songs, and a pretty good plot in the process! I've always loved the story of Rapunzel, {Being a bit of a hair fanatic myself} and I think she's a pretty awesome heroine. I loved the songs so much that I went home and bought them for my two cousins [NOT for me of course!] and put them on their music players. (It might have ended up on my ipod too....) The other day I was listening to the soundtrack and I started singing along to one of the theme songs,          
"When Will My Life Begin"

It's one of those catchy songs you just *have* to sing along with. But as I'm belting it out with my headphones in, something struck me.

That's how a lot of us live our lives.
Christian young people, and girls especially, always seem to be waiting for something. We feel like our lives won't *really* begin, we won't truly begin to serve Christ, until...... {You fill in the blank}
For many of my friends, they feel life won't begin until they get married. For others, it's when they start college. I know personally I often think [even subconsciously] that my christian service really starts once I get my medical degree. We are constantly waiting for that catalyst that will start our lives. The problem is, there is always something more to wait for. Once you get married, you are waiting until you have kids. Once you go to college, you are waiting to graduate. Once I get my medical degree, I'll be waiting for all sorts of opportunities! (such as.... a job!) So here's the idea I came up with.
Stop Waiting.
Groundbreaking, I know. But as simple as it sounds, it can be a lot more complicated than first glance reveals. It takes a focused effort, a daily decision to serve God right now. But while it isn't easy, I'm starting to see just how necessary it is. If I wait until I have my medical degree to start really serving God, I am going to waste almost thirty years of the life that God has given me!
James 4:13-17
Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.
But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

My life is nothing but a vapor. It's like when you breathe out into the cold air. Your breath makes that really cool fog.... and then just like that, it's gone. It's neat while it lasts, but it isn't here long. That's my life!!! God has given me this marvelous opportunity of living on earth as His child, and I take it for granted every day. I have a small window of time to accomplish as much for Him as I possibly can, and I don't even know how small that window is! I could die of old age at eighty five years old, or I could die on my way home from work tomorrow in a car wreck and the age of eighteen. I'm not promised a specific amount of time. All I can do is make the very best of it. The last verse in that passage is particularly convicting. [To me anyway!] "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin." Wow. How many times am I faced with opportunities to serve God that I just let slip through my fingers? Sin isn't just doing wrong things, it's not doing the right things that I know I should! It's waiting because "I'm too young" or "I'm single" or "I haven't even graduated from college" and giving up chances to change lives for the Kingdom of Christ because I just haven't decided to start yet. So I've made a decision:
My life starts right now.
I'm going to do everything I can to live a life fully surrendered to Christ right now.  I'm not going to wait for my life to begin. Because if I just keep on waiting? It never will.

Till Next Time,

The Princess.

Friday, March 18, 2011

My Story~ Whatcha think?

Hello readers! This is the very beginning of a story I am working on, I was hoping to get some feedback and opinions. So leave a comment and tell me what you think! (But please keep in mind it's only a first draft! I grimaced a few times as I was typing it out!)

This is it, thought the beautiful girl in the pale pink dress as she fixed her hair one last time. This is the day I wed and start a new life and a family of my own. She studied her reflection in the full size mirror that rested against the wall in her room. She knew it was near the top of a long list of reasons why she was the envy of every young woman in the whole village. The picture it showed her was a pleasant one, that nobody could deny. Thick, curling dark brown hair,. Big blue eyes with a brown streak in one of them that made he look unique, not strange. Perfect pale porcelain skin, not a blemish in sight. Full lips, even white teeth, classically sculpted nose.... Alia was indeed a beauty. And today she was to be joined to a man, a husband to appreciate and enjoy that beauty. The few details she'd been able to wrestle out of her father, Eli, suggested that she would not be the only one bringing good looks to the table in this marriage. Rich brown hair, deep brown eyes, a kind smile, and a frame that was lean, but well muscled. That was all her father would tell her, but it was enough. Markus sounded like her type exactly, and by the end of the day he would be hers, and she would be his. There was a substantial bride price for a girl as beautiful as Alia, and Markus would be making payments to his almost father-in-law for years to come. It made Alia feel precious, desirable,and sought after. It also made her valuable to her father, a fact she was rather proud of. Just as she put the last touches on her outfit, a knock sounded at the door and she looked over to see her father walk in. Eli stopped a few steps into her room, and his dark eyes filled with tears. "My daughter, my beautiful precious daughter. I am so proud of you Alia, so proud.... You are doing your duty to your family, your village, and yourself. Now listen to me well, my girl, and if you are wise you will heed what I say." He sat down on the chair by her dressing table, and crossed his arms first one way and then another, in an obvious state of discomfort. Alia arched one brown and waited for her father to continue. "There is much you do not know about your future husband my dear, much more than you do know in fact. And some of it will be very hard for you to accept." Her expression grew trouped. "Father, why did you not tell me this before? What kind of man am I about to marry?" Her breath grew short as she panicked, imagining the possibilities. Eli quickly stood and put a hand on her trembling shoulder. He looked her in the eyes and tried to reassure his daughter. "A good man, I promise you that Alia. Markus is kind, and gentle, and a good worker. He will take care of you and the family you have together for as long as he lives, I have no doubts whatsoever of that. I wouldn't be allowing him to claim your hand in marriage if that were not so." He put his hands behind his back and started pacing restlessly. "I want you to be as happy in marriage as you can possible be Alia. That was why I approached your betrothed about a possible marriage. You know I could have married you off to someone more wealthy and powerful long ago, when you were as young as twelve years old. The fact that I have waited until you were eighteen to give your hand has brought censure on my head from many in the village. None of that mattered in the light of you having a happy marriage. But you have to realize that happiness, true happiness, may not come in the form you expect it to. If you can find a man you can respect, a man who will cherish and provide for you, a man who loves children, has compassion on the poor, honors his mother, and above all, a man who loves and serves God sincerely and zealously...." He stopped pacing and looked at his daughter, tears clouding his vision once more. "find such a man, my precious girl, and I promise you, you will grow to love him deeper and truer than any passing affection you may form for a village boy with a handsome smile and pleasing manners and a shallow heart. Nothing matters but the heart. That is what you must remember as you enter this new stage of life. Will you try to do that for your old father?" He looked at the ceiling to try and regain his composure. Alia rushed to him and threw her arms around his neck, not caring what happened to her perfectly pressed wedding dress. Her voice thick with emotion, she said "I don't know what exactly you are trying to tell me Papa, but I trust you. I know you would not have chosen Markus had he not been that sort of man. I will do my best to be a good wife to him, if for no other reason than to be a good daughter to you." Here Eli stopped her. "No Alia, as much as it warms my heart to hear you say that, you mustn't bring that mindset into your marriage. Once the ceremony is complete today, you will be out from under my roof. I will miss you till my heart aches, I can't deny that. But your thoughts must from that point on be for your husband and him alone. A wife with half her heart and her mind still in her fathers house is a sore trial for a young husband.: Eli gently took his daughters face between his hands and looked at her with eyebrows raised. "Do you understand what I am saying, little one?" A quivering smile turned up the corners of her mouth. "Yes papa. I will do my best..... But I don't know how I could take my heart from you and give it to another. And I shall miss you so, so much...." She leaned her dark head on her fathers shoulder and he gently stroked her shining hair. His tremulous smile matched his daughter's as he said, "I know my Alia, I know. But someday soon you will not be able to imagine how you ever thought that, so firmly will your heart be planted in your new home. Now. I have delayed you long enough." He stepped back and eyed the daughter he was about to give away, and Alia thought she could still see worry on his face, a fact that troubled her. Eli cleared his throat. "Well, I think you look perfect, but I'm sure you'd like to touch up any thing your old father has rumpled." They both gave teary eyed smiles, then Eli turned to leave. But he stopped at her door and spoke without turning to look at her. "Just remember my precious girl, it's about the heart. Nothing else matters but what is in his heart, nothing." And with that he left, closing the door behind him. Alia took a deep breath and swallowed hard. Then she turned back to the mirror and made the final preparations to marry a man she had never seen.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm Irish.... Don't Get Any Idea's!

So, I'm Irish.
. Partially. Actually I'm kind of a mutt. There's some Dutch in there, some German, some British, Some Cherokee Indian, and even some French Canadian. (sadly) But if you want to pin down the major nationalities in my heritage, it's Italian, and Irish. {and personally, I think that's kinda cool!} Now, you have to understand that my family isn't really big on ethnic heritage. I'm an American, and I'm super proud of that! So that's what I consider my heritage. Buuuuut it is kind of neat to see where my ancestors came from and what types of cultures are in my distant background! (Well, not so distant with the Italian, my dad's dad was an Italian whose parents both came over from Italy) My favorite part of looking into my ancestry is..... Can you guess? Seeing what types of food they ate! And that brings us back to today's post. Sort of. It's St. Patricks day! We don't have many traditions regarding this day. I generally wear some type of green to avoid being pinched by obnoxious people, and that's about the extent of it. But my grandma? Every year she makes Corned Beef and Cabbage on March 17th. I have to admit, it's not my favorite meal. But still, I love the tradition!!! [I think when I have kids our St. Patty's Day tradition will be Lucky Charms] So. This is the extent of the green I wore this year:

The ring I wear almost every day, it was a gift from my grandma on my eighteenth birthday. The emerald stone is gorgeous, deeeeep deep green =) And the band is from a rainbow colored set of bracelets. It's made of rubber. And totally doesn't match my outfit. (I wore it for an added sense of security)
So, if anyone's considering pinching me, think again! 
I heard someone say last night that only catholics are supposed to wear green, and for protestants the color of the day is orange. I did a little bit of research on this, {emphasis on little} and found this article, which I found pretty interesting! Here's part of it:

Protestant Irish have been known as “orange” ever since 1690 when William of Orange (William III), the King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, defeated King James II, a Roman Catholic, in the Battle of the Boyne near Dublin. William’s victory would ensure Protestant military dominance on the island and has been a source of tension ever since. Although the “Orange” in William’s name actually referred to a province in southern France, the color reference stuck. This is why orange now appears in the Irish flag – to symbolize the Protestant minority in Ireland.
Thus, “Orange Protestants” have been around for quite a while, but wearing the color on St. Patrick’s is a relatively new phenomenon. The first group to take part in the tradition appears to have been the Orange Institution, a Protestant fraternal organization more commonly known as the Orange Order. Some members of the order wore orange in various parades on St. Patrick’s Day as a mark of defiance.

So, I should have worn orange instead!!! But at least this way I know I'm safe =)
One awful thing about St. Patricks day is the amount of alcohol consumption. I read that March 17th is one of the busiest days in the whole year for bar's and pubs! It's terrible! All those people out there drinking, impairing their judgement, and then unleashing themselves on our public with about a fifth or less of their normal brain power. Greeaaaaat idea. Oh well, all I can do is abstain myself, and hope, pray, and encourage others to do the same!
On a random note: we know from scripture that all who have trusted in Christ as their savior are saints. So, I officially move to make November 8th St. Bailey Day! And if you don't wear pink, you have to give any chocolate in your possession to someone named Bailey. Brilliant, isn't it???

Till Next Time.....

The (Irish) Princess

Friday, March 11, 2011

More Than You Ever Wanted To Know About Bailey

Hello Friends and Readers! (Who are probably the same!)
One of my best friends Em (whose Awesome blog can be found here) recently participated in a blog party found on this website. I thought it was such a cool idea and I was soooooo excited!!! Until I saw the date that it ended =( sad day. Buuuuut I still thought that the idea was pretty cute, the bloggers answered a bunch of random questions about themselves so that people could get to know them better. So, over or not over, I'm joining this party!!!! (or at least answering the questions!)
Here Goes:
How would people describe your personality? (If they could only use ONE word.) Are they right?
I though this question was kind of interesting so I set it as my facebook status. Guess how many responses I got? 17!!! I couldn't believe some of the answers. (In fact, looking back over the list almost made me cry.) I feel like hardly any of these describe me very well. But by Gods grace I want to live up to it! Here's the list I got:
Confusing (What? lol)
Cute (This one might be true;)
Dramatic (Ok, this one also might be true)
So, thank you dear friends for your kind words!!!
(I was also described as "Bailey" but that had to be revised since it was a title and not an adjective=)

What celebrity/celebrities would create a “Star-Struck” feeling if you saw them in real life?
Um.... Well, I kind of really like Josh Groban, and considering he's *hilarious* he might be pretty fun to meet! However, I have actually deleted all of his songs from my ipod =/ I decided that I don't need that "star-struck" feeling, I need that "God-fearing" feeling and He has to be my focus =)

Who is your favorite blogger? Why?
My favorite blogger? Pretty much definitely gonna be my friend Em =) (Look above for a link to her blog) However, another *great* blog is Jessica Shae's photog blog. She's amazing. {She did my senior pics!!!) This is her blog, and you're gonna wanna check it out. seriously.

What is your comfort food/drink?
Chocolate. Definitely chocolate. I actually have some emergency chocolate in my desk at work! No really, Emergency Chocolate. See?

Be brave – tell us something very random and weird about yourself.
Um..... I tend to think that most of the things about me are random and weird!!! =/ let's see..... I talk to myself. A lot. And sometimes I even argue with myself. {it gets very heated at times} If you've ever been driving down the road and seen a crazy brunette walking down the sidewalk waving her arms around and yelling at nobody in particular? It was probably me.

Do you have a strong desire to do something you’ve never done? What is it?
Um, tons and tons of things!!! Visit Italy, be in a Broadway musical, Sew an amazing vintage dress, finish a novel..... My life is an open book of endless possibilities =)

Movies: Action, Drama, Romantic Comedy, Documentary, Comedy? What are your favorite genres?
I actually I really like almost every genre! {even some Horror films, hehe) I'm kind of a cinephile. Guess I got it from my dad =) We love finding old classics that nobody's heard of and then crashing on the couch with all kinds of snacks to munch on while we watch =) 

Books: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, Biographies, True Stories, Self-Help, Devotional/Study? What are your favorite types of reading material?
I looooooooove reading obviously so lots of books are great, but I have to admit that fiction is my favorite. And good suggestions on non-fiction to help me kick start some more serious reading? =)

Music: Funk, Rock, Country, Jazz, Classical, Film Score, Blues, Classic Rock, Crooner, Alternative, Heavy Metal, Techno? What are your favorite types?
Well, sacred is my most favorititst of all. But I also enjoy classical, soundtracks, and old-timey music like Frank Sinatra =)

If you inherited a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with your money?
You know whats kind of sad? A million dollars isn't really *that* much anymore. So all of my crazy "Buy a giant house, get all the education I want for me and my family, get an awesome car for everyone I know, and open my own chocolate factory and store" plan? probably not gonna happen. {NOT that I'd be complaining if I inherited a million dollars!} But the first thing I'd do is pay my school bill and go to college. The first fun thing I'd do? Buy myself a pink VW Beetle =) [See my post R.I.P Blueberry for a pic]

Name one weakness of yours (confession is good for the soul).
 Oh dear.... I'm afraid I have many "one weaknesses!" Let's see....

Songs in Italian, a good book, (Especially with a good cover) looking out on a snowy day and letting my mind wander all over the place, a good lip gloss, {not too sticky, not too watery} animated movies with songs that I sing along too every time...... I have lots of weaknesses =)

If you could live anywhere at all (and take all your loved ones with you), where would you go? Well, if were talking permanent living then I would stay right here in the good ol' US of A, greatest country on earth!!! =) But if it was just for a year....? Italy. Have you seen their food?!?

What’s something you consider yourself to be good at? (Don’t worry, it’s not bragging, it’s acknowledging a God given gift).
Um..... this one is kind of hard. Well, I really like teaching and I've done pretty well in competitions, so I guess that might be one..... acting is another. I don't really know if I'm good or not, but I sure do love it!

What is one of your favorite things to catch a whiff of?
Ooooooh so many! I love a good smell =) Rain, fresh bread, and a real Christmas tree are probably my favorites. oh, and whatever cologne my cousin wears, that stuff smells awesome!

When you leave a social gathering, do you wish: You would have talked more or You would have talked less?
Almost always less =(

If money wasn’t a factor, what stores would you shop in?
*Sigh*  If money wasn't an object, I would shop in all the unique little shops and vintage stores that want an arm and a leg for each piece because their clothing is one of a kind.... and they know it. I hate how expensive vintage clothing is

What is your greatest fear or strange phobia?
Spiders, Clowns, and Sharks all leave me a bit trembley....

What is your greatest accomplishment?
 Accomplishment? I don't know!!! I haven't accomplished much at this point!!! Um.... probably winning first place in Bible Teaching at nationals last year =D

What are your favorite animals?
Chinchilla's! They're honestly pretty much amazing. Look at this little guy, he's so cute!!! I want one, oh yes I do=)
I also love Dogs, Rabbits, and Turtles, just for the record!

Are you a hopeless romantic?
 Is it possible to be a cynical hopeless romantic? =/ I know what I want, but I don't think it exists! I think I'll end up a tragic heroine.....

What movie or book character can you most relate to?
Emma from Jane Austen's..... Emma =) Most definitely. I think Ms. Austen had a glimpse into the future and decided to write about me!!!!

Well, thanks for reading, and if you made it all the way down here, congratulations! You now know more about me than I'm sure you ever wanted to =D

Till Next Time,

The Princess

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday's Walk

So, I was doing some blog hopping, and I found this blog, The Goodwin Family. And I like it. A lot! She does a post every Wednesday about taking a walk down memory lane. Isn't that neat? So read my post and then go to her blog and check it out!

I have kind of a lot of cousins, {14 to be exact.} Ok, that's not as many as a lot of people. But what makes us kind of interesting is how close we all are! Out of my fourteen cousins, 12 go to the same church as my family. I've grown up with my cousins, and some of them are more like siblings. Like my cousin Luke. He's 17 now {I can't believe it!} and one dashing young man if I do say so myself! We were best buds when we were little, and he's still one of my very bestest friends. He's super creative and HILARIOUS! That kid knows how to make me laugh! Not to mention he's one of the most tenderhearted guys I know.
Or my cousin Phil. He's nine months older than me [which makes him 19 now, just so ya know] and he's...... amazing. I know I can always talk to him about whatever's on my mind, he's a great listener. He always know when I need him to agree, or to give advice, or to just be quiet and hear what I have to say! He's also a greeeeaaaaat coach/teacher. He's the reason I was a Bible quizzer, AND he taught me how to shoot a basketball! (which may not seem like a good example of his abilities, unless you had seen me before!)
Here's a pic of us: Not the best, but the first one I saw that had all three of us in it =)

I'm close to lots of other cousins too, like Micah the oldest, who always took care of me even when I annoyed him. Or Sam and Dani, my little girl cousins who are my sometimes annoying but always awesome "little sisters." Or even my new little ali-bug!!! (She has her own post, Welcome Baby Ali!) But the reason I am focusing on Luke and Phil is because we were crazy children, so we have some interesting memories =)
Like the bejillions of times that Luke and I played Star Wars with my little cousin Ian. Their bunk bed was the Millenium Falcon, of course. I was Princess Leia, Ian was Chewbacca, and Luke was Luke Skywalker of course! [Sometimes he got frustrated that he couldn't be someone else, but come on, his name was Luke!!!] Sometimes Phil could be convinced to play too, but only if he could be Darth Vader. Luke and I were always playing some make-believe game or another. We had some serious imaginations! One of our favorite games was "orphan children running from Nazi's" and we majorly got into it! One time a "friend" of ours died and we actually cried, we were so sad and scared! My memories with Phil are a little different, lots of them involve trouble ;) One time we were being bad and we wouldn't stop, so my Uncle Troy had to punish us. (Actually, I'm pretty sure it was more than just once.) I wasn't ever that worried though, Phil always got it worse! ;) unless we were at my house =/  A lot of my good memories with Phil are actually more recent. Like class activities, hanging out and having movie nights, and our Senior Trip to London. Or even just the other night when he drove me home, and we ended up sitting in the car talking until 2:00 am. I am so thankful for all of my awesome cousins, I am truly blessed!

Till Next Time,

The Princess

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is My Price Above Rubies?

Proverbs 31:10-30 
 10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
 11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
 12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
 13 She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
 14 She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
 15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
 16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
 17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
 18 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
 19 She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
 20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
 21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
 22 She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
 23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
 24 She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.
 25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
 26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
 27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
 28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
 29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
 30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

I was going through some old sermon notes in my Bible cover and I found the sheet from Pastor Scotts message on Mothers day a year or two ago about the Virtuous Woman. I was sifting through a lot of notes so I only skimmed it, but a paragraph caught my eye that said that passage of Proverbs 31 (shown above) is one that every young woman should have memorized. I thought about it and... I didn't! I had some time between answering phone calls at work, so I decided to give it a go. (I've been trying to get back into memorizing since I graduated and wasn't a Bible quizzer anymore.) I was amazed at how natural it felt! I'm still working on getting all the verses word perfect, but I got a pretty good grasp on them as I worked. The way I memorize is to write everything down, read it, read the same verse in the Bible to make sure I got it down right, and then close my eyes and quote it in my head. Rinse and repeat. So when I was done, I had a handwritten copy of Proverbs 31:10-30. I was amazed at some of the things that jumped out at me, so I highlighted them on my paper. (Same as above.) These aren't by any means the only good parts of this passage, but they really stuck out to me! I recognized some traits in this 'Virtuous Woman' that I really want to see in my life. I know that if I want to be a certain way in the future, I have to start working now, so I decided to make a list of some character traits from this passage that I wanted to achieve by the Lords grace. Here is the list I came up with and that I am going to be working on to get better at!

1. Hardworking.
I will not be lazy or idle, and I will make a conscious effort not to choose the easy way out.
Proverbs 31:13,14,18,19,24

2. Early-Rising
I will not choose sleep over productivity. That means not hitting the snooze button.
Proverbs 31:15

3. Wise Speech
I will think before I speak, and I will only say what's necessary.
Proverbs 31:26a

4. Kind Speech
If something isn't edifying, I won't say it, period.
Proverbs 31:26b

5. Physically Fit
I will stay strong and in shape so that I can do whatever needs to be done.
Proverbs 31:17

6. Forward Thinker
I will plan ahead and be ready for whatever God may choose to send my way.
Proverbs 31:16,21

7. Selfless
I will put the needs and desires of others ahead of my own.
Proverbs 31:11,12,15,20,23,27

8. Humble
I will not be vain. I will realize that what is inside of me matters much more than my physical exterior.
Proverbs 31:30a

9. God-Fearing
I will fear and serve the Lord my God above all else.
Proverbs 31:30b

These obviously aren't anything new, but this is my plan of action, my list of goals, my "March resolutions". I hope they are an encouragement to you, let me know how I am doing in each area as I progress by Gods grace!

Till Next Time,

The Princess