Friday, April 22, 2011

It's All About The Cross.

I'm having a wonderful day!
A) There was free breakfast in the office;
B) I'm going to get a free Starbucks drink by bringing in a reusable cup;
C) I get off work at noon instead of five;
D) I'm going for lunch and shopping with my mom, just the two of us;

Simple equation:
A+B+C+D = Absolutely, positively, fabulously wonderful day! (And there are even more factors I'm not listing!)

I've been pretty excited about it all morning.

But then I got to thinking:
Today is Good Friday, when many people celebrate the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This may not be the actual day he died, but it is the day when much of the world takes time to remember and reflect on it.
I heard a message yesterday morning in which the preacher said that the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, all points the message and power of the Cross. I got so excited! Christ died for me, shed His blood to atone for my sins, and rose on the third day to conquer death and give me eternal life!

But this morning when I was soooo excited:
It wasn't about the Cross.

I'm easily stirred to passion for the gospel when it's repeated to me or right in front of my face, but why am I not passionate about it all the time?

My 'wonderful exciting' days are few and far between.
I serve a Risen Savior, each and every day!!!
There is ALWAYS something to be excited about, the Cross! It should affect my life in every way. Every action, thought, and word. Every aspect of my life should be changed and transformed because of the cross. It should be my focus, my passion, the object of my devotion and gratitude. It should be everything!!!

Is my life all about the Cross?
Is yours?