A Bit Of An Explanation

Well Hello There!

Welcome to my new blog, Il Mio Tutto Per La Sua Gloria. It means My all for His glory in Italian. That is truly the prayer of my heart, that everything I say, do, and think, would glorify my risen Savior. This blog is a combination of two others I had previously set up here on Blogger, All American Girl and The Shop Around The Corner. The first one was all about politics, something I'm very passionate about. I would generally get on and write whenever I saw something on the news that bugged me more than normal! If you want to see the posts, (some of them from as far back as 08) then you can click on the Politics page up at the top! I put all of my old posts there, even the ones I wasn't totally sure I wanted anyone to see... Any further posts on politics will have a "politics tag" so you can find them that way if you are so inclined! The other blog was supposed to be about books, but I ended up doing only one book review, posting three chapters of a novel I was working on, and using it to try to win a competition from my favorite clothing website! So while I do intend to write on books every now and again, I don't think it needs it's very own blog. Fortunately I always have loooots to say, so by having one "overall everything about Bailey" sort of blog, I think it should be much easier to post consistently! I don't know how many people will enjoy my blog, (or even read it!) but since YOU are obviously here, thank you! Please comment with any opinions, I love lots of comments! (Even snarky ones!) Until my next post...
The Princess