Monday, April 4, 2011

My Melancholy Blog Post

I've been a bit discouraged lately in blogger land. I'm not very good at this! I see blogs from fifteen and sixteen year old girls with 200 followers and fancy buttons and giveaways and events and I'm terribly jealous! I'm so thankful for you my dear readers, but I'm afraid you are very few in number! So, how do these girls do it? How do they create these lovely blogs, and then have so many people reading them? Any suggestions?


  1. Well, I'm not a blogger, but I do follow quite a few blogs. I once saw on a blog where a girl asked a blogger with a large following that question and he said you just stick at blogging and be consistent. I guess it does have something to do with the content as well.

    Hope that helps. :)

  2. Some of it is just sticking to it, as Kyrstin said. Not that I'm one of those people with 200+ followers. I think that for a lot of bloggers, it's because they have a giveaway that no one can resist. In order to enter most giveaways, you have to follow the person's blog. Probably 60% of the blogs I follow are because the blogger was having a giveaway.

  3. As long as I said that, I might add that of those bloggers, I don't really care about them... I just follow them because. So even though I have fewer followers, I know that the followers I do have really care about me and my blog.

    Anyhow... those are my thoughts.

  4. I think you have a lovely blog!:) I'm not sure I've got enough followers to actually give advice though. What I want to know is how long did it take all the bloggers with hundreds of followers to GET hundreds of followers?

  5. Thank you all for your lovely comments! I suppose I will just have to keep at it =)
