Monday, March 21, 2011

When Will My Life Begin?

So, I recently watched the new Disney Princess movie;
And guess what? I loved it! It's a really cute movie with awesome characters, (The horse is seriously hilarious, and I might have a bit of a crush on Flynn Rider;) majorly catchy songs, and a pretty good plot in the process! I've always loved the story of Rapunzel, {Being a bit of a hair fanatic myself} and I think she's a pretty awesome heroine. I loved the songs so much that I went home and bought them for my two cousins [NOT for me of course!] and put them on their music players. (It might have ended up on my ipod too....) The other day I was listening to the soundtrack and I started singing along to one of the theme songs,          
"When Will My Life Begin"

It's one of those catchy songs you just *have* to sing along with. But as I'm belting it out with my headphones in, something struck me.

That's how a lot of us live our lives.
Christian young people, and girls especially, always seem to be waiting for something. We feel like our lives won't *really* begin, we won't truly begin to serve Christ, until...... {You fill in the blank}
For many of my friends, they feel life won't begin until they get married. For others, it's when they start college. I know personally I often think [even subconsciously] that my christian service really starts once I get my medical degree. We are constantly waiting for that catalyst that will start our lives. The problem is, there is always something more to wait for. Once you get married, you are waiting until you have kids. Once you go to college, you are waiting to graduate. Once I get my medical degree, I'll be waiting for all sorts of opportunities! (such as.... a job!) So here's the idea I came up with.
Stop Waiting.
Groundbreaking, I know. But as simple as it sounds, it can be a lot more complicated than first glance reveals. It takes a focused effort, a daily decision to serve God right now. But while it isn't easy, I'm starting to see just how necessary it is. If I wait until I have my medical degree to start really serving God, I am going to waste almost thirty years of the life that God has given me!
James 4:13-17
Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.
But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

My life is nothing but a vapor. It's like when you breathe out into the cold air. Your breath makes that really cool fog.... and then just like that, it's gone. It's neat while it lasts, but it isn't here long. That's my life!!! God has given me this marvelous opportunity of living on earth as His child, and I take it for granted every day. I have a small window of time to accomplish as much for Him as I possibly can, and I don't even know how small that window is! I could die of old age at eighty five years old, or I could die on my way home from work tomorrow in a car wreck and the age of eighteen. I'm not promised a specific amount of time. All I can do is make the very best of it. The last verse in that passage is particularly convicting. [To me anyway!] "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin." Wow. How many times am I faced with opportunities to serve God that I just let slip through my fingers? Sin isn't just doing wrong things, it's not doing the right things that I know I should! It's waiting because "I'm too young" or "I'm single" or "I haven't even graduated from college" and giving up chances to change lives for the Kingdom of Christ because I just haven't decided to start yet. So I've made a decision:
My life starts right now.
I'm going to do everything I can to live a life fully surrendered to Christ right now.  I'm not going to wait for my life to begin. Because if I just keep on waiting? It never will.

Till Next Time,

The Princess.


  1. Ugh. I didn't want to read this right now! lol It's a good reminder, though. I needed it, whether I wanted it or not. =D

  2. Thank you for the timely reminder. I too have gotten caught in the trap that my life would begin once I started college. But God is so faithful to remind us that it begins today. :)

  3. God is so remarkably faithful and wonderful, it's amazing! I'm glad this was an encouragement, it's just what God laid on my heart that I need to work on and I wanted to share!!! We serve a risen Savior who is coming back soon!!!!

  4. Good stuff Bailey...I like what Dr. Ollila says: "Be where you are." Our lives are made up of the little choices that we make in the random events that happen to us. Who we will become is determined in those little choices. So make the most of them :).
