Friday, February 11, 2011

Books Books Books!!!

  So, I've been doing some reading lately. Not as much as I would like, but some nonetheless, and I thought that maybe you'd be interested in hearing about some of the books I read recently! (Em, you probably don't have to read this post because most of them came from you!) So, here goes....   

The Witness
Dee Henderson

Police Chief Luke Granger's witness to a murder, Amy Griffin, has been on the run for years. Her family thinks she was murdered eight years ago, but Amy chose to accept a life in the shadows in order to protect her sisters' lives. Now unveiled secrets about their father have thrust the sisters into the public spotlight. The man who wants Amy dead now sees her sisters as the way to locate her. Luke and two of his homicide detectives are determined to stand in the way. They are each falling in love with a different sister, and it's become a personal mission to keep them safe. But chances are that at least one of them will fail, and facing the future will take a faith deeper than any of them currently knows.

Ok, well first of all I will say that I enjoyed this book greatly. However, that had to do more with the overall plot than the actual writing. The characters, while interesting, didn't seem fully thought out, and even though you sympathise with them, you don't feel like you really know most of them very well. The ending was the biggest disappointment of all, lets just say big build up and small climax. But in spite of those issues, it was an enjoyable quickie read with an interesting plot.

The Centurions Wife
Davis Bunn and Janette Oke

   Caught up in the maelstrom following the death of an obscure rabbi in the Roman backwater of first-century Palestine, Leah finds herself also engulfed in her own turmoil--facing the prospect of an arranged marriage to a Roman soldier, Alban, who seems to care for nothing but his own ambitions. Head of the garrison near Gallilee, he has been assigned by Palestine's governor to ferret out the truth behind rumors of a political execution gone awry. Leah's mistress, the governor's wife, secretly commissions also to discover what really has become of this man whose death--and missing body--is causing such furor.

This book...... was amazing. I seriously loved it. It's not one of those "christian fiction" books that makes the cut simply by throwing in a few "hail mary" type prayers.  It explains Christianity in full, as well as giving as a great look into the time right after Jesus' death and resurrection. We often overlook that period, but it must have been so confusing, nobody knowing what was going on or what to do next. That is the trouble faced by Leah and he betrothed, Alban, as they each work for their separate employers to find the truth about Jesus. I can't say enough how great this book was, read it, read it soon!!!

Jerry Jenkins

Paul Stepola, an agent working for the National Peacekeeping Organization (NPO), has been assigned to enforce compliance with the world government's prohibition on religion. Paul relishes his job and is good at it. He is determined to expose underground religion--flush it out, expose it, and kill it--until his life is turned upside down and he is forced to look at life in a different way.
As Paul begins to unravel the truth about what he has found, events taking place around the world are starting to make sense. Something big is coming--something that can't be stopped. And it is coming soon.

I tried to read this book when I was younger, and I don't think I even made it halfway before putting it down. Then I was at my grandparents the other day and I needed a book for the downtime at work. I saw this on the shelf, and decided to give it one more try. Lets just say......
As soon as I was done with it, I immediately went to the library website and requested the next two.

The Silent Governess
Julie Klassen

Olivia Keene is fleeing her own secret. She never intended to overhear his. But now that she has, what is Lord Bradley to do with her? He cannot let her go, for were the truth to get out, he would lose everything--his reputation, his inheritance, his very home. He gives Miss Keene little choice but to accept a post at Brightwell Court, where he can make certain she does not spread what she heard. Keeping an eye on the young woman as she cares for the children, he finds himself drawn to her, even as he struggles against the growing attraction. The clever Miss Keene is definitely hiding something. Moving, mysterious, and romantic, The Silent Governess takes readers inside the intriguing life of a nineteenth-century governess in an English manor house where all is not as it appears.

Well, this is another amazing book! I really, really, REALLY really liked it. The plot twists are surprising, you don't always see them coming a mile away, and the characters are both in depth and believable. You find yourself truly caring about what happens to each one of them by the (wonderful) end of the story. Another huge plus of this story is the faith aspect. It doesn't just give you some nebulous "believe in God" shtick, but rather explains that this isn't enough, it takes repentance and real saving faith. The book does discuss the matter of illegitimate children, but it isn't in depth or inappropriate at any time. I hope you'll read it and love it as much as I did!

Well, that's what I've been up to! Have any of you read one or more of these, and what did you think? Any other great (or terrible books) come across your way lately? I'd LOVE to hear about it!!!

Till Next Time....

The Princess 


  1. I think I only gave you one of those books, right? Though I did read three of them. =)

    My favorite of these four was The Centurion's Wife. I love that one and the two after it. Do you know if that's the end of the series?

    Have I read anything good lately...? I think so. Breach of Trust is good, though not fantastic. There's a few things in it that aren't cool. Hard to find books without that stuff, though. That's one thing I've loved about Dee Henderson. Her stories have love stuff in them without all the physical junk.

    Anyhow... I'll see you tonight!

  2. yeah, Dee Henderson definitely writes a good novel! most of the time =) and yeah, I think Centurion's Wife was my fave too, although I really enjoey The Silen Governess and Soon!
