Monday, January 31, 2011

Some People

Am I the only one who gets really irritated with people who just won't think? You tell them, they read books, they see signs, everything makes it terribly clear what they are supposed to do or not do. And what ends up happening? Exactly the opposite of course! I think the saddest example of this is when people choose not to accept Christ. It's right in front of them. The Heavens declare the glory of God. It's all layed out in scripture. We each have a conscience convicting us of sin, and the Holy Spirit prompting and telling us whats right. But some people just flat out refuse to see the truth, and because of that obstinacy they lose their eternal souls. But sometimes it isn't that serious of an issue. For example, when you work as a receptionist, you can very rarely actually solve peoples problems. All you can do is hear the summary of what they need and then transfer them to someone who can actually help them! But some people just don't listen! They insist on telling you their whoooooole story, even when it won't do either of you any good! I had a lady call me the other day, and she was definitely in this category. She starts in on her whole long shpiel, and I know right away what department she needs to talk to. So when she pauses, I say in my friendliest little miss receptionist voice: "yes ma'am, one moment while I transfer you to _____!" (You can practically hear my cheerful smile) But she just wouldn't listen! "Whoa whoa whoa, slow down there!" (You can most certainly hear the condescension) And then she continues to talk..... and talk.... and talk...... and tell me all about her problem and how she needs it fixed. (None of which has anything to do with my job description) I have to admit, it was very hard to stay professional and NOT walk in the flesh when she finally finished and waited for me to help her, and I had to say.... "Thank you ma'am, but I can't help you with that, so please hold one moment while I transfer you to _____." (Same department as before!) So now she gets to say the whole thing..... again.
Some People.
Till Next Time.....

The Princess


  1. Ahh.... I could write a book about the stupidity of other people. And my uncharitable responses, but let's not go there. =P
    One particular time I was in Vitamin Cottage when this older gentleman approached me and asked for my help finding something. Because I had already seen it that day, I knew right where it was and I helped him. No big deal. BUT... he then needed help finding something else. And this time I didn't know where it was.
    "Hang on and I'll go find someone who works here."
    "They should make you learn where things are before they hire you, or you're no good to the company."
    "I don't work here, but I'll find someone who does."
    "How long have you been working here and you can't find something simple as -----???!"
    He wouldn't listen to a word I was saying, so I ended up just walking away and finding someone who could help him. I felt really bad. Maybe he was hard of hearing and I should've just talked louder, but at the same time I was rather annoyed that I'd helped him when it wasn't even my job and he was berating me for not being able to do more.

  2. Hahahaha that cracked me up! You are so nice to people =) And
    apparently you always seem so professional since people always think
    you work places you don't! lol

  3. I really can't think of myself as being professional. Sometimes I think I *look* professional... but being and looking are totally different. LOL I do get a lot of people who think I work places, though...
